Men find it extremely pleasurable if it's performed correctly and
women often derive satisfaction from doing it, or at least will
gain enjoyment by indulging their partner.
As with all sex acts, a condom should be worn if you are with a
new partner, or a partner whose sexual history you are unfamiliar
with. Obviously pregnancy cannot occur this way, but sexually transmitted
diseases can. A condom will dull the sensations slightly for the
male, but immense pleasure may still be achieved. For your own sake
though, in this instance try not to use condoms that are pre-lubricated
or contain spermicide, as they will leave a very unpleasant taste
in your mouth. Some men may try to insist that using a condom will
interrupt the flow of things and subsequently ruin the mood. A good
way to placate your honey's objections is to incorporate putting
the condom on in a playful or erotic manner as a prelude to fellatio.
Try putting the condom in your mouth and applying it by rolling
it down the shaft of his penis using your lips and teeth - being
very careful not to damage the condom.
Leading up to fellatio is an important part of the game. The main
idea at this point is to excite your partner with the anticipation
of what is to follow. This can be done many different ways, for
example by kissing and caressing him all over his body except for
the genital area. Another method would be to talk dirty and tell
him in a suggestive manner what you are going to do to him. How
long to do this will depend on how impatient your partner is. This
part is all kind of a cat and mouse game; if you pay attention to
your lover's reaction, you'll know when to pounce. As a general
rule, men are more impatient than women and don't like to be teased
for too long. It is important to mention at this point that your
partner will achieve a higher level of satisfaction if you seem
like you are enjoying yourself too. Be enthusiastic about it, or
at least smile and have a pleasant disposition. If your partner
believes you are not enjoying the act, he will generally not enjoy
it either. One caveat though: because they find it so erotic, men
are generally able to reach the point of climax quite easily and
you may or may not want him to ejaculate in your mouth. If not,
it is a good idea to inform your partner beforehand